Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Portable Vs Window air conditioners

A Portable Air Conditioner is a small mobile air conditioner unlike a window Air Conditioners which must be mounted through the window opening. Furthermore, portable air conditioners do not require permanent installation. All our portable air conditioners are between 29" and 34" tall and weigh between 50 and 90 pounds. Portable air conditioners also work great in apartment situations where a window unit is unacceptable.


Unknown said...

For me , I prefer and used portable rather than window air conditioning for in portable it is very carry and nice looking whereas in window type, it's very untidy looking especially outside. One thing I liked so much in portable was that I can bring it anywhere I want inside the house.

Heating Ontario said...

You should be dealing with heating and air conditioning contractors on at least an annual basis if you have a HVACs system installed in your home. Regular services are essential to keep the equipment clean and in proper working order to ensure they are operating efficiently.

Air Conditioning Contractors

Optiweb Studio said...

Portable air conditioners have a lot of advantages over window units. They’re usually attached on small wheels and can be rolled from one place to another location.
Best portable air conditioners
Best portable ac units

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